Monday, May 31, 2010

Wood-World!......a closer look at the best inker in comics, Wally Wood!

Not really gonna blather on here about how great Wood was, I'll let his art speek for itself here. All I can say is that I am still running across Wood Illustrations & comics that I have never seen before & They ALL still Blow Me Away.... same as they did when I was 12 or 13 in the mid 70's and picking up Thoes ALL-STAR comics with the new J.S.A in them....or finding a story in CREEPY. Just Solid as all Hell & Cool as Shit! Here is one of my favorite things he did for the MAD comic, Sound Effects ,plus a bunch of Spot Illustrations he did for the science fiction pulp GALAXY in 1958 & 1959. You can provide your own sound effects for these. Let me how that works out for you OK?

Plan Ten Shall Begin with a random barage of Cartoon Images designed to ingage the disinhibiting agents that have lay dormant in the human brain!

It's About All This.... & MORE!