Wednesday, July 28, 2010

GHASTLY Graham Ingles...... at the Top Of His Game!

Here are a coulple of EC stories for ya' In Glorious Black & White from their Master of Horror Graham Ingles! The first story was shot from the original art and it from about mid-way thru the new trend period, Vault 19, & Ingles is really starting to take it over the top! Just check out that gnarly Skull-Tree in the splash! What really stands out for me is his Spotting of Black in this story, also the textural treatment he puts on the trees and water is also outstanding.
Next up is some of the last work Ingles did for EC. THE BASKET, from EC's Picto-Fiction line, is a re-working of an old story originaly drawn by Jack Davis. In this one Ingles goes back to his pulp roots and really goes ape-shit with the dry brush technique , for which he is well known...also looks like quite a bit of charchol or china pencil on textured paper done for an even murky-er shading effect. Too bad these books failed, because by this point in time all the EC artists were in some rare Groove of friendly compitition and were taking there asignments and, Hitting 'em outta the Park, so to speek. Oh well.... such is life. After these Picto-Fiction stories, I don't think Ingles ever worked in comics again.

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