Wednesday, August 11, 2010

GARY PANTER.... my kind of humor!... my kinda ART!

I guess I first encoountered Gary Panter's work in the late 70's with the LP covers he did for the unautherized Warner Bros./Frank Zappa LP's & later I put 2 and two together and figgured out He was the same artist who did the stuff for Ralf Records & The Residents. A few years after that I got a hold a some early copies of RAW magazine and was blown away by his stuff...and he has continued to inspire and amaze me to this day....I suppose it's just the honesty and directness that I LOVE about this stuff,,,,,it's ragged and scratchy and raw as all hell! so here is a quick look at some of his paintings and illustrations, to prove my point. enjoy....

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