Wednesday, August 18, 2010


One of my favorite genre in comix is THE ARCHIE PARODY!.... be it subtle or overt, it all ways gets a laugh outta me.....Hell, I got some twisted version of The Watchmen floating around in my head, where Kovacks is really Archie Andrews....I dunno... kind makes me laugh....and it kinda makes sense!....But when I Think ARCHIE comics... I usually think about what slimy bastards they were, Especially to Dan DeCarlo who set the whole tone for the franchise in the 60's & 70's.... by far the Best Archie Artist....

In the late 80's & early 90's I was quite taken with Larry Weltz's CHERRY POPTART comix.... actually the thing got pretty huge & I lost interest at about #10 or so, but still. I thought it was an amusing concept...

And here is fantastic one, you never see reprinted anywhere. From Kurtzman & Elder!

Well Now....that's somethin' ya don't see everyday

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